Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Day 10: Shari
Day 9: Meg
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day 8: Corie
Kim is going to be a Wolverine
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Busch Gardens Weekend

Friday, November 13, 2009
Day 7: Shwa
Day 6: PETER
Monday, November 9, 2009
Day 5: My Primary Class
These kids always have something funny to stay and constantly want to share some joke or story they learned the week before. I just love it. I'm always so proud whenever they know the answers to questions or remember things we learned the week before.
I am grateful for the spirit I feel with them and the simplistic perspective on life they remind me of. As I prepare the lessons to teach them I am also reminded of the simple doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how what we need to do to be happy is clearly laid out for us.
I love these kids!
The Counter
GREEK INSPIRED LAMB BURGER With Roasted Red Pepper Feta Cheese, Fried Pepperoncinis, Bermuda Red Onion, Tomatoes and Mixed Baby Greens, Served on a Hamburger Bun with Tzatziki Sauce. Peter loved his burger too.
Saturday was spent studying, primary activity, basketball, and BYU football.
Sunday was the primary program at church at it was so darling. I was so proud of the 5 and 6 year olds that I teach, they each had their parts memorized and were so cute. Between pulling them out from under the piano, keeping them quiet, trying to get them to sing and smile, and blocking them from pressing the keys on the piano throughout the whole meeting, I got a real workout. It was totally worth it though!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day 4: And of course, Halie
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Day 3: My little Lucy
Briar Woods Wins
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Day 2: Shauna

Giving Thanks this Month
Day 1:
I'm going to start with a very important Susan. Susan was my young woman's leader in high school and has made more of an impact on my life than I can even describe on my little blog.
Susan is one of those woman that gives everything she has to everything she does. Every week she prepared the most amazing lessons with examples and handouts and everything you could possible think of to teach us a certain gospel principle or virtue. She is a great mother, friend to many, hard worker, community volunteer, and example of a virtuous woman. She taught me so much each Sunday from her lessons and even more from the example she set in her daily life. She didn't treat me as one of the girls she taught at church each week, but as her friend. We talked about our lives, our accomplishments, and our worries together.
Not matter what was going on in Susan's life she was there to make a big deal about every single birthday of mine, there to cheer me up when I was sick, there to help me set up for student body elections, there to see me off to Prom, or cheer me on at my games. I could go on! Somehow Susan was my leader from the time I was 14-18 and was there for pretty much every big event in my life during those years.
I am grateful to Susan for teaching me to serve others, always, and with all you have. She taught me the importance of making sacrifices for those you love. I learned that faith in God can help you to overcome anything and lead you to becoming the person you hope to be. She reminded me of the value of having someone believe in you and the power that supplies.
Susan has not only helped shape the woman I have become, but she has helped shape the goal of the woman I want to become. Thank you, Susan.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Birthdy to Me
Yes, I colored my hair. And no, it wasn't for Halloween!
Then this last weekend Peter and I, with some friends, Chris and Leigh, headed down to Williamsburg to go to Busch Gardens. We had free tickets and it was a perfect time of year to go. The leaves are gorgeous down there and they have haunted houses and Halloween type things all around. It always amazes me how fun it is to go on roller coaster rides. We were like little children and would keep running to the front of the line again to ride the rides over and over again because the lines were so good. Minus the 5 bee stings I got when a wasp flew down my shirt on a ride, it was a fabulous day! I seriously wish we went to amusement parks more often, all the day to day responsibilities and worries just fly out the window. (I'll have to post pictures later.)