Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'd like to give a little shout out to our two favorite twin girls, Kim and Katie. It was there big 17th Birthday yesterday. These two girls are so funny and so smart and so talented. We just love being able to attend their high school sports and theater events and see them grow. Did I mention they are fun? It's so fun hanging out with them. It's not uncommon for them to break out in a duet together and the next second start hitting each other. I love it! Kim gets a little emotional about certain movies and Katie likes to tease her by repeating lines or singing songs from the movie until Kim is in tears. It's hilarious. Kim is really smart and super athletic. I love her sensitivity to others and her desire to do good. I admire how honest and open she is. Katie seems to be talented at anything she tries and it makes me jealous. She has this great sense of who she is and doesn't seem to care if people don't like it. It's amazing.

I could go on and on about these two. We love you Kate and Kim, we hope you had a great Birthday!

1 comment:

ej said...

what a nice post Jen- and all of it so true. Nicely said