Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thank the French

So there is a great story that I forgot to share earlier. When we were in Banaue sitting around the table with our new found French friends, we started talking about stereotypes Americans put of French people and vice versa. We even had a discussion about why after people curse they say, "excuse my french". Then Dan (our friend from work) said, "Let's thank the french for the kiss" and then proceeded to giggle uncontrollably. We all lost it and joined him in his giggling. Throughout the day we kept recalling the conversation and laughed some more. Now perhaps this is one of those stories that is only funny if you were there, or one of those things that you think is funny, but you're kind of isolated so you think everything is funny stories (like on the mission); if so, I'm sorry you all had to hear that, but perhaps we should thank the french for the kiss.


ej said...

Hey, Nathan and I were just talking about how missionaries think things in their little world are SO funny but it isn't to anyone else...funny. Anyway- gotta give thanks where thanks is due...kisses and fries I say :)

Flinders Family said...

That is hilarious but so true!