Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Did you know....

that if you mix these two candies (Sour Patch Kids and Twizzlers) together, you've get an EXTRA delicious treat? This has honestly been one of my favorite candy combinations for years now. I love it and even crave it often (even though I'm suppose to be an adult now). It seems to somehow make everything happy again. You should try it sometime.


M. said...

As I diabetic it rings "danger! danger!" but yet is still strangely alluring! ;)

cassie said...

i think of you everytime i walk past the sweet factory in the mall or buy any form of sweets. I'll give this one a try!

ej said...

That is certainly an interesting combo but I will say this, I'm glad it is with Twizzlers and not Red Vines because then, let's be honest, I'd think less of you ;)