Wednesday, October 24, 2012

All 3 babies sleeping 12 hours at the SAME time; amazing!


Unknown said...

YAY! I'm so glad they all decided to sleep at the same time! :) That must be SOOO nice for you!

The Crowley's said...

that is amazing. I can't even get my one 8 month old to do it!

knygard said...

You obviously have mastered a consistant feeding schedule to achieve this, You are a super momma!
My three month old goes seven hours I am hoping for 8-9 hrs in another month.

Marianne and Brad said...

Woo woo! Partay!!

Jetta said...

Miracle! I hope you were able to sleep too :)

ej said...

Miracles do happen! But it also probably has to do with your consistency with schedules and parenting. I'm giving you a parental high five via the internet!